Rose (she/her) Bender

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SP2 Review

In 2014 and 2015, I developed the concept for and project managing the School of Social Policy & Practice’s SP2 Review, the annual report and alumni magazine sent to more than 4,000 alumni, faculty, donors, Board Members, and friends of the School.

SP2 Review 2013

In this role, I identified stories aligned with a global theme. I worked with an external design team, photographer, writer, illustrator, and an internal group of stakeholders to ensure we met all deadlines and accomplished all tasks. With the design firm, I worked creatively to solve the problem of finding photography representative of global initiatives. We could not use much of the existing photography due to poor quality and could not afford to pay for travel to generate our own. We developed several solutions, eventually deciding on the illustration/patchwork style graphics to bring the book to life. I also acted as a contributing writer.

In 2014, the School of Social Policy & Practice welcomed a new leader, Dean John L. Jackson. I developed a concept for the annual report and alumni magazine that would help introduce him to the more than 4,000 alumni, faculty, donors, Board Members, and friends of the School who receive the mailing.A particular point of concern was that Dr. Jackson was not a practicing social worker before accepting the position. The SP2 Review took a close look at the varying ways social workers use their degrees and how they impact the future.

In my role as the project manager; I identified stories and worked with an external design team, photographer, and writer, and our internal team of primary stakeholders to assure all deadlines were met and all tasks accomplished. I also acted as a contributing writer.

StrategyRose BenderHands-On